Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Eyes...

There once was a girl that was blind from birth. She was so angry about it that she hated everyone and everything, except her boyfriend. She felt he was the only one that understood her. He loved her so much and spent a lot of his time with her, bought her things, took her places.... One day he took her on a walk and told her he wanted to marry her. She hesitated after he asked...then said, " I will marry you if i can can see." They immediately started looking for a Donner. In less than a week there was a pair of eyes for her. She was very excited. After the surgery she was sitting on the bed as the doctor took the bandages off. For the first time she saw light and all the beautiful colors around her. It was then that she noticed that her boyfriend was blind, she was confused that he never told her, and she decided that she didn't want to marry a blind man. a week later they found him in his apartment with a gun to his head, dead. Next to him was a note with her name on it... "Take good care of your eyes...before they were yours they were mine." ~Anonymous


Sarah Sellers said...

O my goodness that is so sad I actually started cryin but thats just the way I am

Caitlin said...

i know! i did too. :)