Saturday, May 24, 2008


Well this was my last day at was so sad. :( I was crying and we were hugging each other....I'm going to miss them so much! I've been working there my whole sophomore year and a little bit before that so we've become really good friends. Sometimes i wish life would never change... the cool thing about life though is that endings always means something else is beginning. I look really bad in this picture, it was AFTER I'd been crying... Isn't Sydney so pretty? i think she's so cute! she's like the best co-worker ever, i love talking to her about everything. I usually worked Saturdays so it usually pretty dead in Java, so we had LOTS of talk time. The main subject, of course, was guys, they are thee most interesting thing in God's creation. lol Then we talked about school, people, God, drama, coffee, shopping, food....oh yeah the thing we did most was talk about how much we needed to loose weight. :) We have some very spacial traditions at Java Jones, one being eating....a lot. hey, you can't blame us it's free food, and when things are slow you tend to eat. there's Cinnamon rolls, scones, bear claws, sandwiches, peanut butter, chips, salad, pop, and LOTS of coffee... you can combine pretty much anything to make something's so much fun! Syd and i had so many laughs together, and when all the hot guys parents came in for lunch we'd hide in the back and discuss how amazing and cute their sons were. Ah, good times... of course it's even better when the guys come in. ;)(just for the record, sydney's WAY worse when it comes to guys than i am):)