Friday, May 16, 2008


Mocha's are the best! If you like coffee and chocolate, get a Mocha. Double shots are the best with not to much chocolate, then if you have a scone and a good book you've got it made! For those that are on diets, you can get an Americano with some sugar free flavoring. That's what i do and then i ice it. yum....... Or a Greg Tortsen. That's kinda like a frapp only my co-worker and i named it after this guy that came in. He wanted chocolate drizzled over the top of his mocha Big Train, so i did it for him but Syd and I were both like, "Wow who does he think he his." JK Anyway, i like spider man he's the coolest out of all the super hero's... Batman doesn't actually have powers so that's uncool, and Clark Kent is from a different planet so he's really not human. Spider man on the other hand is total human and he stumbles upon these great powers. I think his most awesome power is that he can like scale walls, he's got that weird texture stuff on his hands, i wish i could do that....Anyway, He's like this geek and then he gets bit by this awesome spider and all the sudden he's like this ripped superhero....anyway, I'm tiered and i have to work tomorrow. Lets see, oh i did get into my piano GUILD contest, i watched Ann of Green Gables(luv that movie) and i had ice cream so I'm ready to have sweet dreams....


why said...

mocha is good but a late with A shot of chocolate and fhyr'idiii............................. yea that's right A french word vanilla, that goood hey is that spider man I see, that's awesome I love spider man.. and I was thanking I don't thank I will be able to show you my mad skills becaz I sprained A ligment If that is possible we are busy very busy but I like. O and by the way I bet A cup of coffe that I no more about coffe than you do. do you take my bet? I wait for your answer

why said...

That clock is wrong it is not 11:40

why said...

sarah is alwas talking to allen I guess she's strating not to have time for her blog.. I remember when I was like, to busy for any thang eles. not with allen.. a breve is maid of half and half. it's like A heavy cream. and you can put it in any thang... what is a cafe Con Leche? If you don't know, and I can can give A anwser. you have to buy me a cup of coffee do you understand?

Unknown said...

Hey Caitlin sry it's been forever since I've gotten on here but I've been really busy with packing and stuff anyways the thing that john said about me talking to allen all the time isnt true talk to him every other day for around 15 minutes everytime so I dont talk to him all the time I just wanted you to know that...I love spider-man to he's like my fav. super hero of all time so that's pretty cool well I guess I better go I'll ttyl

why said...

well I didn't know what it I was ether.I look it up sorry. so I guess I'll buy you A CUP coffee Inless you want to continu the bet And I cant look up stuff.

why said...

Ok that's sounds good.. I will answer your question later becaz it is 1:00 and I have to go to bed Yes I will pray for you at 1 in the morning ... there will be A video of caleb soon.. Hey do you think I should keep on doing videos or go back to writing.. I'm going to still write some..

Amanda said...

I LOOOOOVE a good mocha! Mmmm, that's why I hang out at Barnes and Nobles so much (food+cappocino and you've got it made). But yeah, I am (or was) homeschooled and it's nice to have graduated, but I still have school things to finish so I'm not necessarily "done". : )

Ella Léla Rafaela said...

Hey Caitlin!
It is awesome you guys are missionaries!!!

I`m in the US getting my medical education, then I`ll go to mission..

Don`t know where God wants me yet..=)

God bless you guysss very much!!!
Will be praying for you!

why said...

Hey just got back... so how are you,.....,.,., I GOT TO PREACH.