Thursday, May 8, 2008

Grrrrr....i have a piano contest coming up here soon, and i don't feel prepared at all. i wish my piano teacher would tell me about stuff sooner than six weeks b4 the contest. He's kind of the last minute type, where he's like 'oh by the way we have Nationals tomorrow and i would like you to play a memorized piece by Beethoven.... Anyway, i guess if i lose i lose, which i will. I'm not expecting to win, i mean some of those kids that r in this stuff r crazy. I mean they practice like 4 hours a day, n i don't have that kind of time...i wish i did.


Anonymous said...

I bet yoll win your awesome on piano this is john

Anonymous said...

Think of it this way...either you'll have great fun getting the adreneline rush of competing, or you'll decide that you don't like it and never want to do it again. And then at least you'll know.

Oh dear, that doesn't look as comforting as I thought it would. I'm sure you'll do swimmingly.

Anonymous said...

Yes caitlin I do agree you do swimmingly just swimmingly O my goodes I did forget to tell you my dear that you sond absolutely amazing when you tickle the old ivories well I must go I am parched I bid you fair well my lady.... by JOHN

Sarah Sellers said...

Hey Gurl it's been forever since weve talked I miss you sooooo much
... I now you'll do awesome in ur piano recital...just remember to have fun... well I'll ttyl