Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Purity Is Worth Fighting For....

People just don't do it anymore, our here-and-now, laid-back, unmotivated culture has invaded our minds and is trying to destroy even the most precious things that are left of us. What's worse, is that many Christians don't see it as a severe threat. Everything around us these days is anything but pure: TV, Magazines, books, clothes.... Sadly, many of us are allowing ourselves to become a product of our environment. Sometimes we use that as an excuse, that because our culture is so full of sin we can't help but be tainted. Yet, even in such a culture God's word never changes and He still calls us to be above the influence. He says to set an example in purity. This is one of the biggest battles teens face, i think it's because it is one of the hardest and no one thinks it can be done. It is really hard, at times it can be a very intense, exhausting, never-ending battle against your flesh. You wrestle with your thoughts and wish you could physically take them and turn them to God. I want to encourage you, it may be hard but it is also the most God honoring, worthwhile, and rewarding battle ever. there are times when you are really happy you put up the fight, and then other times your surprised at how difficult it is and feel like giving up altogether. I want to say something even though it's really cheesy... I want to thank all the guys out there that really try to fight for their purity as well as us girl's. I think it's so cool when guys are excited about keeping themselves pure mentally and physically. I know it can be a really huge battle for you, it's a lot harder for you than it is for us girls. So, thanks for all your efforts. Oh, and we do notice when guys respect us, and we respect you more when we know that. Your wife will really appreciate your efforts as well. so yeah, it was cheesy....keep up the good work!


why said...

I like the think.. keep it up

Cassie said...

Very true, especially the last part...

Amanda said...

I give this a heartfelt AMEN! : )

why said...

Hey... yea you win,, I will bye you A cup coffee.. just one not two or 3 or4 just 1 well I'm going to camp.. later

why said...

hey long time no see or write.. so how are.... I miss hereing you play piano,, well I will bye some coffee soon..I need you to pray I am preaching in five days// so pleas pray... ttyl,